What's Happening at the Waunakee Village Center | Arts And Entertainment | hngnews.com

2022-08-20 03:40:36 By : Ms. Qin Qin

Monday – Thursday: 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday: 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday: noon to 4 p.m.

The Fall edition of the Village Center Activity Guide that includes fun activities for kids, adults and families was recently mailed to all Village of Waunakee households. Check out the fun-filled publication for programs, activities, and special events for every member of your family. An electronic version of the guide can be found on the Village website at www.vil.waunakee.wi.us/393/Recreation-Programs. You also can click on the link “Register on-line & View Activities” for to see the most up-to-date listing of from our department!

Registration and payment are required for all events and programs unless otherwise noted.

Village Center Fitness — Consider the Village Center for all your wellness needs. We have a fitness center, walking track, and a full-size gymnasium. The fitness center has cardio machines, selectorized weight machines and various other pieces of fitness equipment to help you get a great workout. The Village Center sells one month, three-month, six month or annual memberships to use the fitness center, track and open gym. Walking passes and daily passes are also available. We also offer a group fitness classes such as Yoga, Barre, Group Cycling and Silver Sneakers. Stop by the Welcome Desk for more information, to register for a class, or to purchase a FIT Pass.

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) — Wednesday, Aug. 31, 6-8 p.m. or Saturday, Sept. 10, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course, provides strategies, guidance and a proven plan for increasing your chance of survival in an active shooter event. Topics include the physical and physiological effects of stress on the human mind and body, history and prevalence of active shooter events, civilian response options, and considerations for conducting drills. In addition to the 2-hour class, participants in the 4-hour class will learn about tactical medical skills. Participants will also receive a brief lesson in self-defense in the event the violent encounter cannot be avoided.

Ice Skating Lessons — Wednesdays, Sept. 7-Oct. 12 6:20-7:35 p.m.: We offer ice skating lessons for Ages 3-Adult at The Ice Pond for all skill levels. Using the Learn to Skate curriculum, qualified instructors run 30-minute lessons in small groups and participants are given an additional 15 minutes of free skate time each night. Skate rental is included in the lesson fee. For more information and to determine the right level to register for, contact Connie Gavinski at the Village Center at 608-850-5992.

Ballroom Dance — Beginner Foxtrot — Wednesdays, Sept. 7-28, 6:30-7:30 p.m.: The Foxtrot is relatively simple and very versatile, giving beginners a great foundation to work with. It can be danced at slow, medium or fast tempos, making it easy to move gracefully across the floor for social dancers of all skill levels.

Ballroom Dance — Intermediate Bolero — Wednesdays, Sept. 7-28, 7:30-8:30 p.m.: As we progress, the Bolero becomes more beautiful and flowing. We will concentrate on using the rhythm and curving nature of the dance to develop flair and style. We will cover additional figures and start to develop a routine, so you feel comfortable on the dance floor.

Junior Warrior Volleyball – Grades 1-6 — Wednesdays, Sept. 7–Oct. 12: Junior Warriors volleyball will focus on basic volleyball skills and game knowledge as well as interactive stations. Emphasis will be on skill development, learning the game of volleyball and having fun. Coaching will be done by former college volleyball athletes. Grades 1-2 at 4:45 pm, Grades 3-4 at 5:40 pm and Grades 5-6 at 6:35 pm.

Paint and Paste with the Police — Monday, Sept. 12, 6-7 p.m.: Kids Ages 6-9:The Village Center and the Waunakee Police Department are teaming up to offer a fun kids art class where participants create a project with our local law enforcement staff. Art has a whole new twist when you get crafty with a cop and take home a special art project.

Cooking with the Chief — Tuesday, Sept. 13 3-4 p.m.: Kids Ages 6-9: Grab your apron and join Police Chief Adam Kreitzman in the kitchen to create an amazing after-school snack. The Village Center and the Waunakee Police Department are teaming up to offer a kid’s cooking class where participants make a delicious snack and enjoy it in the company of our very own chief. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to chew with our chief and have some fun!

Prairie Restoration Project for the Family — Saturday, Sept. 24, 9-11 a.m.: Looking for a free fun family activity? Want to help sustain and grow our beautiful prairies around the village? The Public Works Department and the Village Center are teaming up to give families an opportunity to learn about prairies and get some first-hand experience helping maintain them. Come collect seeds at Bolz Conservancy and then plant new plugs and seeds at Ripp Park. All supplies will be provided, and no experience is necessary for this free program. Children of all ages are welcome to attend with an adult, and children 13 and older may attend independently. Rain date is Saturday, October 1. Registration is required.

Check out our website at www.waunakee.com/recreation for a complete list of programs, events and pricing.

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