Shaunda’s Hair Chair is open in Bronson. Shaunda Gordon purchased the shop of Bronson barber Ron Herman when he gave up his practice of 60 years.
She kept many of the elements customers will recognize, including the barber pole out front and the tiled floor.
Gordon, who is also trained as a barber, expanded services beyond hair cuts to include coloring, perms and texturizing, manicures and hot stone pedicures.
“If the pole is turning I’m in the shop,” Gordon said.
However, it’s easiest to call ahead for an appointment.
“I tell people if it’s six o’clock at night and you need a haircut, call me. I’m only four blocks away,” Gordon said.
Of course she’d have to be available, and often is, but Gordon has many interests, including family, friends and she is a member of County Line Band.
Gordon bought the shop as a semi-retirement gig. She wants flexibility, but she likes her job.
“My earliest adventure with hair was to shave the dog when I was little,” Gordon said. “My dad was mad. But this is something I always wanted to do.”
Bronson Chamber of Commerce and Coldwater Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed Gordon to the city Wednesday with a ribbon-cutting.