Starbucks may be a monster megachain these days, but we have to wonder if the brand would have been so iconic if it had ended up with the terrible name that was briefly floated around, or if they didn’t have the branding they’ve come to be known for, like those instantly recognizab
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The big news of the day was that Vince McMahon announced his retirement from the company. He’s no longer the WWE CEO or Chairman. Stephanie McMahon is the Chairwoman along with Co-CEO with Nick Kh
John Carew, MD, is board-certified in otolaryngology and is an adjunct assistant professor at New York University Medical Center.
There is no universal set of earplugs to prevent swimmer's ear — one brand might be perfect for a friend or swim partner, but a poor choice for you. W
We discuss the schedule for figure skating at the 2022 Winter Olympics.
The 2022 Winter Olympics are about to get underway this week. On Wednesday, February 2nd, the events begin with curling and the luge. On Friday, February 4th the Opening Ceremony will set off the games in full swing
Long hair, don’t care…until the temperature rises and you’re desperate to pull your strands away from your face and neck. We gotchu. We’ve rounded up some hair accessories to refresh your stash — from butterfly hair clips (yup, they’re back) to hair ties, claw hair clips, and more.
There are two types of grillers: the functional griller who treats grilling as a way to break up the mundanity of indoor cooking, and the hobbyist who approaches grilling with a fervor that a functional griller simply couldn’t relate to. The functional griller doesn’t place much stock in b
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Even in New Japan (NJPW), with its longstanding stereotype of ‘quiet and studious fans’, the COVID restrictions affecting audience reactions affected the overall quality of matches that took pla
Instantly familiar and much parodied, Grant Wood’s Depression-era painting American Gothic leaves observers with more questions than answers
“All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow,” reflected Grant Wood in 1936. And – whether bovine-inspired or
Instantly familiar and much parodied, Grant Wood’s Depression-era painting American Gothic leaves observers with more questions than answers
“All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow,” reflected Grant Wood in 1936. And – whether bovine-inspired or