Mariann Kessenich, age 70 Mariann’s spirit left this world on July 31, 2022, after a short illness. Mariann was born February 10, 1952 in Green Bay Wisconsin. She was the only child of Malvin and Della Pierner. Mariann is survived by her Husband - David Kessenich, Children - Mariel Barreras her husband Anthony, Kristen Rowe her husband Patrick, Paul Kessenich his wife Jeslie, Daniel Kessenich his wife Kristine; 13 grandchildren Adam, Justin, Garrett, Trevor, Matthew, Colton, Emily, McKenzie, Mason, Nolan, Henry, Margot, Jack. Our family wanted to express what Mariann was to each of us. In our expressions of love towards her and how she impacted each of our lives we hope, in some way, to show how Mariann’s life made a significant positive impact on us and many others. She was a wife, mother, and homemaker first. She cared for others, as evident in her foster care efforts. She loved animals and her home was a sanctuary for outside animals as well as the many pets that lived inside. She had a giving spirit evident by the many charities she supported and was always there to help others in need. As you read you will see how she impacted her family and how our messages may help you. Love is expressed in many ways. It takes the form of regret, loss, memories, emotions, anger, but with all of this it is love. Our family expresses our love to our Mother and grandmother through the following love letters to her. As her husband I can't think of a greater tribute to her than her family's love for her and how it will live on in all our lives. I love you Mom. I'm so very sorry for not being a good daughter and telling you more. You deserved so much better from me and I realized it too late. I have missed our weekly Monday phone calls for a while now. Those verses about forgiving over and over and not letting the sun go down on your anger make sense now. But...too late. Thank you for teaching me about Jesus. Thank you for teaching me how to pray. You are the reason each of your grand-babies know Jesus. You are the reason that we will all see you again. Thank you, so very much for that. We had so much in common, like our love for plants and animals. I tried to run away from things we had in common and now...I regret that. I regret that I didn't see the beauty in our similarities. Too much time wasted in the negative and not enough time in the simple moments. I will be forever sorry for not being what you deserved. I promise to let more things go. I promise to see the value in others. Not for what I want them to be but for who they are, in that moment, being the best they can be, without expectations. I expected too much from you of which I myself was not willing to give. I am sorry for not giving you the love you wanted. Give grandma my love when you see her. I miss you so much. Love always, Me Dear Grandma, My favorite memory is when we went fishing together. I love spending time talking with you. I love you, Matthew My favorite memory with grandma was cooking chili and grandma would always wear a colorful apron. I miss you grandma, Trevor My favorite memory with grandma was when we went fishing. We talked a lot on the boat which was always fun and made the best day. I love you grandma, Garrett Dear Grandma, Words can not explain the amount of love I have for you. Love that I wish I had explained and shown you more. I will be looking forward to our next meeting in heaven. Your first grandson, Adam Hi Mom, I love you and I miss you. Loving deeply is hard, like learning what true love is by becoming a mother and then learning what true loss is by becoming a motherless child. I’m writing this to you for all the I-love-yous and thank-yous I forgot to say… Thank you for your love and sacrifice. Thank you for teaching me faith. Thank you for never giving up on me; you saw me at my best and my worst and still loved me. Thank you for being so proud of who I became. Thank you for loving my husband and for being proud of the love we continue to grow together. As we say goodbye, I’m thankful for the family treasures handed down for me to care for. When I sit at your old dining table, I’ll remember the wonderful heavy hors d'oeuvres and burnt bread, (why was the bread always burnt, Mom?) and I’ll cherish having many more at the same seats with my own children. The nostalgic crackle of old records fills my house from your old Victrola. And I smile every time I hear an original piece being created from my young, “self-taught” pianists in the front room. I am blessed to have so much from your life in my house. Each item floods me with memories and reminds me of your generosity. It meant the world to me to see how proud you were of my career and of my marriage. I have all of this because you never let me give up, and you never let me be satisfied until I reached my fullest potential. I’m grateful for all your encouragement and for taking me to all my swimming events, for through swimming, you helped me learn my own internal strength and that if you just show up, you are on the path to success. I know it could not have been easy to raise four of us and foster kids while Dad traveled for work; I would have lost my mind. But as I look back I have so many memories that will live in my heart forever because of you: camping at Ham Lake, accidental baloney and Oreo sandwiches at Disney, Kenny G. Christmas, over-the-top Christmas baskets, recipes, wedding dress shopping, Camp Forest Springs, bedroom makeovers, all our animals through the years. You must have had so many dreams for me when I was born, and that is why you instilled the level of independence you did in each one of us, even though you may have second guessed it when we all moved away from home to follow our dreams. You supported me when there were bumps along my road of dreams. You gave me opportunities that helped me discover who I am and gave me the tools I would need to succeed. You let me go when I am sure you wanted to hang on, and you gave me the confidence to find my place in the world. You taught me values and faith that would carry me through life. There are so many things I am forgetting to say, so many memories not listed, so many feelings I can not put into words. I called you for a hand to hold, a hug over the phone, a word of encouragement, a kick in the butt, someone to laugh with or share a memory . . . how I wish I could call you now. What I would give to hold your small hand in mine, to hear your voice, to give Mason and Nolan one more fishing adventure with you. As I miss the sound of your voice, I feel the power in “I love you” and “thank you” I just want to say, “I love you more than you may have felt, and I thank you for everything I have and everything I am.” You did all of this just because you were mom. Until we see each other again in heaven. I miss you… Kristen When I think of Mariann, her smile comes to mind first. I didn’t think about it much until seeing the picture used on the invitation, but that smile is what I see when I think of her. She was happy. I also think of egg rolls. During one of my first trips up to the lake cottage, I was introduced to the Kessenich family egg roll recipe. I had never before realized the versatility of that stuff, deep-fried deliciousness. And I over-indulged. I’ll spare the details of how that story ends, but it has not deterred me, and I still get excited whenever Kristen makes egg rolls. In fact, I get excited when a lot of Mariann’s meals get cooked in our kitchen. I’m grateful for Mariann not just for the meals I get to enjoy. I’m grateful because she gave me the love of my life. And so much of who Mariann was lives on in Kristen. So much of what makes our marriage strong is because of the dedication and devotion that we witnessed David and Mariann show to each other in theirs. Their love for each other was rare and special, and I feel very fortunate that I got to see it - partly because I knew how special it was, but also because I know how high the bar is set for my own marriage. I will miss you Mariann. I will miss seeing the love you shared. -Patrick Mom, you were taken too soon, I will make sure Margot knows all about you, Henry misses you and understands your not coming back. Jeslie and I are going to miss your huge dinners, fun at the lake, and your constant giving of yourself for your family. I will always love you, until we see each other again, Love always Your Son Paul Mom, there was never a question if you felt loved by mom. She had four productive adult children that surpassed her expectations in careers and grandchildren, that she was able to see all of them and hold like she did her children. You will be missed, but you are living inside all your children and grandchildren. Even Jack, your newest grandchild has some of your mannerisms. Love You Mom your son Daniel. A celebration of life will be held September 3rd Pickerel WI. 9448 South Shore Dr. from 1-6pm. All are welcome please respond to Dave at 920-621-2826 if you plan on attending.
Published in Green Bay Press Gazette