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Tour the region in photos and videos this week, from new life for a vacant Shopko in Onalaska to National Night Out in several communities.
The Rotary Mobile Medical Clinic is displayed to the public Thursday during Moon tunes at Riverside Park. The clinic, which St. Clare Medical Mission executive director Jason Larson described as a "full-scale, full-service family medicine unit,” was officially given to St. Clare by Rotary at the event.
Equipped with two examination rooms, the Rotary Mobile Medical Clinic will offer family practice clinical services, preventive care, flu vaccines, youth sports physicals, lab draws, mental health and pharmacy services to adults and children without health insurance.
Nicholas Trejo of La Crosse skateboards Friday at Lueth Park Bicycle Playground and Skate Park. Trojo took up the sport during the summer and uses it almost daily for a source exercise and fun.
Participants perform exercises Wednesday during a yoga class at the Mayo Clinic Health System clinic in Onalaska geared towards patients coping with mild cognitive disorder or MCI.
Mayo Health System yoga instructor, Renae Budd, works with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients and their partners Wednesday at the Onalaska clinic. The program, which also includes calendar training and computer brain exercises, helps MCI patients improve self-esteem, manage stress, and learn the best skills for maintaining independence despite memory problems.
A Florida developer plans to acquire the vacant Shopko building on Hwy. 16 in Onalaska.
Aquinas running back/linebacker, Calvin Hargrove
Rebecca Kleefisch campaigned at the La Crosse County Republican Party headquarters on Thursday with former Gov. Scott Walker in tow. Kleefisch is facing two opponents in Tuesday's Republican gubernatorial primary.
Members of the Viroqua Fire Department demonstrate rappelling during Vernon County National Night Out, Tuesday, Aug. 2.
A captain with Coon Creek Fire & Rescue demonstrates how a door is removed in order to free a crash victim. The demonstration was one of many given during Vernon County National Night Out, Tuesday, Aug. 2.
An adult gets fire extinguisher training at a booth set up by the Westby-Christiana Fire Department during Vernon County National Night Out, Tuesday, Aug. 2.
A 1934 Ford two-door coupe was among the classic cars on display during National Night Out in West Salem.
Chippewa Falls National Night Out 2022 included free ice cream and root beer, candy, a demonstration of EMS, police and SWAT vehicles, fire trucks and hoses and a demonstration of police K9 Leo and his handler Sergeant Stephen McMahon.
Chippewa Falls National Night Out 2022 included free ice cream and root beer, candy, a demonstration of EMS, police and SWAT vehicles, fire trucks and hoses and a demonstration of police K9 Leo and his handler Sergeant Stephen McMahon.
Chippewa Falls National Night Out 2022 included free ice cream and root beer, candy, a demonstration of EMS, police and SWAT vehicles, fire trucks and hoses and a demonstration of police K9 Leo and his handler Sergeant Stephen McMahon.
A police officer from CPD engages with kids trying to dunk him. If they missed he would squirt them with water before letting the kids dunk him anyway. Chippewa Falls National Night Out 2022 included free ice cream and root beer, candy, a demonstration of EMS, police and SWAT vehicles, fire trucks and hoses and a demonstration of police K9 Leo and his handler Sergeant Stephen McMahon.
Battalion Chief Thom helps a kid spray a paper house on fire at Chippewa Falls National Night Out 2022. The event included free ice cream and root beer, candy, a demonstration of EMS, police and SWAT vehicles, fire trucks and hoses and a demonstration of police K9 Leo and his handler Sergeant Stephen McMahon.
Leland Chenoweth at his home in Blair. Chenoweth, age 103, served in the U.S. Army during World War II.
Visit Winona's visitor services coordinator Mary Farrell and partnership director Kate Carlson wear flamingo headbands Tuesday evening during the organization's tourism awards celebration.
Bloedow Bakery was chosen by the public to receive Visit Winona's 2021-22 People's Choice Award. Pictured, from left, is Bloedow Bakery owner Mary Polus, Bloedow Bakery office manager Karen Sorum and Visit Winona executive director Pat Mutter.
The Winona Public Library was voted by the public as the winner of Visit Winona's 2021-22 Hidden Gem Award. Winona Public Library staff are pictured with the executive director of Visit Winona Pat Mutter (second from right).
The Winona County Historical Society was chosen at Visit Winona's 2021-22 Partnership Excellence Award recipient. Pictured are, from left, WCHS museum educator Jennifer Weaver, Visit Winona executive director Pat Mutter, and WCHS executive director Carrie Johnson.
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