End of an Era: Joanna Cotten Leaves Eric Church's Band | Saving Country Music

2022-08-20 03:46:07 By : Ms. Cathy Chi

Since 2013, vocal powerhouse and larger-than-life performer Joanna Cotten has been helping Eric Church instill passion, soul, and energy into his music, both in the studio and on stage. She’s been Eric Church’s secret weapon, and right-hand woman on many of his most landmark and powerful performances. But after a year of battling illness that has taken her on and off the road, she’s choosing to move on, and it feels like the end of an era. But hopefully it’s the beginning of bigger things for Joanna Cotten. On Sunday (7-31), Cotten made a statement to her fans, and fans of Eric Church. “Hello, friends and fans. I want to let you all know that I made the decision to take some time off after the Gather Again tour to focus on writing some new songs and have a time of rest and recovery. It was my intention to return, but God has other plans,” she said. “I also want you all to know that your energy carried me through so many shows with Eric. What a run we had. I am so grateful for the stages I sang on with him and the people I met along the way.” Born in Memphis, Tennessee, and raised in Arkansas, Joanna Cotten was once signed to Warner Bros. Records, and recorded over 20 songs for a debut album that was never released. When a single called “The Prize” stalled out at #60 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart in 2007, her music was shelved by Warner Bros., and so was her career, as is so often the case in the major label business. But Cotten continued to record and tour, and developed a sound she calls “Funkabilly,”—a mix of blues, funk, and country that is very indicative of her Memphis roots. She’s a singer with passion. “I have to sing for people, that’s just the way it is,” she says. “It’s like a beast inside of me that has to come out, and it’s been that way since I was a baby girl.” Joanna Cotten attended the prestigious Juilliard Music School, and afterwards moved to Nashville where she would regularly perform at places such as 3rd and Lindsley, eventually getting signed by EMI Music on a publishing deal, and later to Warner. But after five years of waiting for the label to do something with the material she recorded for them, she decided to move on. When Eric Church was looking for a soulful voice for his band, Joanna Cotten signed up. She first appeared prominently with Eric Church in a live video for Church’s song “Over When It’s Over” in 2013. In 2017 when Eric Church performed “Chattanooga Lucy” on the CMA Awards, this was Cotten’s first brush with national television exposure. “I wrote my CMA female vocalist of the year acceptance speech when I was 9 years old,” Cotton said after the 2017 CMAs. “I’ve wanted to stand on that stage and sing my entire life and this year I got to do just that. It was such an amazing experience and dream come true for me. I am so grateful to Eric Church for allowing me the opportunity to live my dream and for all the encouraging words from my friends and the fans. What a night for the record books in my life!” Once again in 2018, Eric Church’s single “Desperate Man” bestowed the opportunity for Joanna Cotten to drift from the backline to the frontline at the CMA Awards, and wow viewers. In concert, Eric Church would often hand the mic off to Cotten to take her turn in the spotlight. She became such an integral part of Eric Church’s performances, when she was forced off the road due to COVID, Church had to find a backup, with Ashley McBryde doing fill-in duty for some performances. But now it’s time for goodbye for Joanna Cotten from the Eric Church touring entourage, though it’s not goodbye for good. Just as Eric Church instilled a big boost behind Ashley McBryde that ultimately had her signing to a major label and winning awards, perhaps the same is in the future for Joanna Cotten. “I am very much looking forward to new solo music and ventures on the horizon,” Cotten assures. “I love you guys and I’ll see you out there on the road before you know it!”

Ashley McBryde, Eric Church, Joanna Cotten

Eric fans love her and she added a lot to his music. I’m sure she will be replaced, but it won’t be the same. It is an end of an era which started with her stealing the show in the Over When It’s Over video and ended with her stealing the show at the end of the Heart on Fire video.

I don’t blame her. She probably met several great songwriters touring with Church and could even ask Church or Hyde to write with her. Her next album will probably be solid and who cares anymore if radio ignores it. Church fans will happily pay 40 bucks to see her live at small venue.

Best of Luck Jo Jo

Seen Eric Church many times and Joanna Cotten was always a bright spot. I’d go check her out live solo.

She’s freaking awesome. I hope she gets a break and makes it big. I also respect him a great deal for showcasing her so much, especially at live shows. Her voice is so powerful that a lot of artists probably wouldn’t want to sing with her. He had the courage to sing with a better singer every single concert. He even said as much at a concert in Nashville that I attended. He was damn good to her and seemed to have the ultimate respect for her. We need more artist like Eric Church, even if he is a bit mainstream.

I am delighted for her and her decision to follow her path. Selfishly, I am a bit disappointed as I am seeing Eric Church at the end of August and was looking forward to hearing her as she’s such an instrumental contributor and presence in his live shows.

Best Wishes to you Joanna

Country Charley Crockett's Butter August 1, 2022 @ 4:13 pm

I’m sorry for her health issues and wish her the best. In probably in the minority buy I didn’t care for her. She has a powerful voice no doubt buy I don’t like it when she takes over the song. They’re called backup singers for a reason. No disrespect intended… she’s just too much for me and I don’t enjoy her overpowering the main artist.

My prediction is she will not be successful in her second go-around as a solo performer. She is talented, but her high point will be identified via her role with Eric Church. Not a negative comment in any way, just my prediction. Which of course is not worth a crap.

Will definitely miss her. She was such a huge part of the eric church concert experience.

On a side note, did you see that Church got tabbed to open up for Robert Earl keen at floore’s? REK must have remembered the time Church tabbed him as an opener and repaid the favor. Really cool nonetheless

I just saw REK at Irving Plaza two weeks ago. (He’s one of the few country artists who comes through NYC on most tours.) He sits in a chair when he performs now, but he was still as high energy as ever. He almost blew out the walls of the place with his first closing combo of “The Road Goes on Forever” and “I Gotta Go.” It seemed almost superflous to come out for an encore, because the crowd was not going to get the energy up to that level again. But he finished for real with “I’m Coming Home,” which is also the title for this goodbye tour.

I saw him in Pawtucket, RI a few years ago during the bluegrass tour and Fall River, MA in July. Awesome shows. Didn’t play “Merry Christmas” this time, unfortunately, but did play “I’ll go on downtown” as the first song, which blew me away.

I’d like to show Eric my AR-15, just to make his liberal ass cry some more.

1) Your comment veers very close to being able to be misconstrued as a death threat.

2) There is absolutely no reason to assume the politics of Eric Church, which appear to be centerist at most. Don’t allow yourself to be the foil of Rolling Stone propaganda. Read this:


Wilson Pick It August 3, 2022 @ 9:06 am

Therapy is covered under most health insurance plans. It can help with those anger management issues.

You are mind numbingly stupid. I’d say worse but I don’t want trig to have to moderate my comment

If you think that’s a death threat then you’re a moron. I said “show” not “shoot”. Second, I didn’t assume anything, Church came right out and said AR-15’s should be illegal. So how about you do some research before you assume I’m wrong.

He’s the moron, yet you can’t figure out how to reply to the comment you are referring. People these days. Sheesh.

AR-15’s should be illegal, Junior.

Go be a coward elsewhere.

@TC–Your proper spelling and punctuation, including even getting the word “you’re” right–is a tell, a dead give-away that your yahoo, redneck, thug persona is a total put-on. You obviously spend a lot more time at libraries than shooting ranges.

@Lucky, : D i know you’re not implying that formally “educated” people cannot be proficient at the range. Can ping my target at 400 yards, in a downpour with my bangs plastered to my face, standing on two orange crates, in a foxhole. Fort Campbell. Not only a nick, but having it marked as a kill. With an M16A1. M60’s are Too Heavy. Not to mention the ammo belt. That’s why i always loved the guys on our team. They didn’t mind carrying the heavy stuff. That, & when we were digging a 4 man foxhole with an M60 mount, (with a dirt sofa built in – had to girly it up, you know) we could knock that foxhole out in no time. Get our M60 set up, and start talking trash to the opposing teams. Get everyone ready for night maneuvers. Although deadly serious, there was a fair amount of laughter.

Steve Earle is a Guitar God August 3, 2022 @ 8:52 am

I’ve been shooting since I was 8 or 8.

Between shotguns & rifle I’ve probably shot 25,000 rounds. At best I’m an average shot & that’s with the private lessons I’ve had. I’ve had eye issues since I was a kid which hasn’t helped. But I still love sport shooting and bird hunting.

I love Joanna’s voice.

Ran into her outside the BJCC a few years ago after a show, and she was beyond gracious, humble, and friendly. Pretty damned funny, too! Wish her all the best, and would happily pony up to see her play a solo show!

Trigger’s SEO is once again on point… this article is the #2 Google result for “Joanna Cotten” just below her official website! She has so much talent, and let’s hope to hear even greater things from her!

I met her at one of the shows after the 1st of the year. She was very nice and down to earth. I thought she brought a lot of energy to her parts singing with EC. I hope she does well out on her own.

Her debut album which was recorded for Warner did see the light of day, it’s available on her website and I think on most streaming services. It’s a fantastic album if you like mid 2000’s mainstream. Tons of personality for someone working in the major label system and showed how much potential she had. I to this day don’t understand how they dropped the ball with her.

I’m excited to get a 3rd album from her one day so hopefully that’s not too far off in the horizon. I’m very grateful Eric has kept her dreams going over the years, now hopefully she has enough of a base to do something with it!

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