Brian Hauswirth 2 days ago Mid-Missouri News, post to twitter
Authorities in Fulton are warning you about counterfeit carnival wrist bands that are being sold for the popular Fulton Street Fair, which is tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday in the downtown brick district.
Fulton Police and Fun Time shows say the only location you can purchase a wristband is at the main ticket booth at 7th and court. Fulton Police encourage anyone who’s been approached to purchase the counterfeit wristbands to call them at (573) 592-3100.
Residents from across mid-Missouri attend the Fulton Street fair, which dates to 1899. The fair opens Friday afternoon at 4, and features a hot air balloon glow tomorrow evening and a parade Saturday afternoon at 5. Fun Time Shows, which is based in southeast Missouri, has the popular Octupus, rol-o-plane and paratrooper rides.
Tags Counterfeit wrist bands Fulton Police Fulton Street Fair Fun Time Shows Octupus paratrooper rol-o-plane
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